Health Effects of Mold

Our homes, schools and workplaces should be healthy environments for us to live, learn and work in. Moisture creates an ideal environment for mold to grow disrupting our safe lifestyle and affecting the health of our families.

Types of Mold Spores

What area mold Mold spores?  Mold spores are microscopic, asexual reproductive cells that mold produce to spread and grow.   They can not be seen with the naked eye and are usually invisible to the naked eye.  Mold spores are organized into three main categories:

  • Allergenic: likely to impact people with mold allergies
  • Pathogenic: likely to cause serious health effects in people with compromised immune systems
  • Toxigenic: capable of causing serious health effects in almost everyone

Symptoms Caused by Exposure to Mold

Some people are more sensitive to mold spores than others. They can develop nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, dry hacking cough, nose and throat irritations and skin irritations. Symptoms of serious allergic reactions may include fever and shortness of breath.

Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds (MVOCs)

Mold produces gases called microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs). There are over 200 MVOC compounds made up of strong chemicals like aldehydes, benzenes and toluene’s. Mold only produces MVOCs when it is actively growing. The musty odor associated with mold is caused during a part of the MVOC growth cycle. It takes awhile for the smell to develop, so if you’re smelling mold, it is typically a sign of a problem that needs immediate attention.

Conditions Most Sensitive to Mold